Chart: Chart data tools

A demo of the various Excel chart data tools that are available via the rust_xlsxwriter library.

Image of the output file:

Chart 1 in the following code is a trendline chart: Image of Excel chart generated by sample code

Chart 2 in the following code is an example of a chart with data labels and markers: Image of Excel chart generated by sample code

Chart 3 in the following code is an example of a chart with error bars: Image of Excel chart generated by sample code

Chart 4 in the following code is an example of a chart with up-down bars: Image of Excel chart generated by sample code

Chart 5 in the following code is an example of a chart with high-low lines: Image of Excel chart generated by sample code

Chart 6 in the following code is an example of a chart with drop lines: Image of Excel chart generated by sample code

Code to generate the output file:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright 2022-2025, John McNamara,

//! A demo of the various Excel chart data tools that are available via the
//! `rust_xlsxwriter` library.

use rust_xlsxwriter::{
    Chart, ChartDataLabel, ChartErrorBars, ChartErrorBarsType, ChartMarker, ChartSolidFill,
    ChartTrendline, ChartTrendlineType, ChartType, Format, Workbook, XlsxError,

fn main() -> Result<(), XlsxError> {
    let mut workbook = Workbook::new();
    let worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet();
    let bold = Format::new().set_bold();

    // Add the worksheet data that the charts will refer to.
    worksheet.write_with_format(0, 0, "Number", &bold)?;
    worksheet.write_with_format(0, 1, "Data 1", &bold)?;
    worksheet.write_with_format(0, 2, "Data 2", &bold)?;

    let data = [
        [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
        [10, 40, 50, 20, 10, 50],
        [30, 60, 70, 50, 40, 30],
    for (col_num, col_data) in data.iter().enumerate() {
        for (row_num, row_data) in col_data.iter().enumerate() {
            worksheet.write(row_num as u32 + 1, col_num as u16, *row_data)?;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Trendline example
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Create a new Line chart.
    let mut chart = Chart::new(ChartType::Line);

    // Configure the first series with a polynomial trendline.

    // Configure the second series with a linear trendline.

    // Add a chart title.
    chart.title().set_name("Chart with Trendlines");

    // Add the chart to the worksheet.
    worksheet.insert_chart_with_offset(1, 3, &chart, 25, 10)?;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Data Labels and Markers example.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Create a new Line chart.
    let mut chart = Chart::new(ChartType::Line);

    // Configure the first series with data labels and markers.

    // Configure the second series as default.

    // Add a chart title.
    chart.title().set_name("Chart with Data Labels and Markers");

    // Add the chart to the worksheet.
    worksheet.insert_chart_with_offset(17, 3, &chart, 25, 10)?;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Error Bar example.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Create a new Line chart.
    let mut chart = Chart::new(ChartType::Line);

    // Configure the first series with error bars.

    // Configure the second series as default.

    // Add a chart title.
    chart.title().set_name("Chart with Error Bars");

    // Add the chart to the worksheet.
    worksheet.insert_chart_with_offset(33, 3, &chart, 25, 10)?;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Up-Down Bar example.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Create a new Line chart.
    let mut chart = Chart::new(ChartType::Line);

    // Configure the first series.

    // Configure the second series.

    // Add the chart up-down bars.

    // Add a chart title.
    chart.title().set_name("Chart with Up-Down Bars");

    // Add the chart to the worksheet.
    worksheet.insert_chart_with_offset(49, 3, &chart, 25, 10)?;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // High-Low Lines example.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Create a new Line chart.
    let mut chart = Chart::new(ChartType::Line);

    // Configure the first series.

    // Configure the second series.

    // Add the chart High-Low lines.

    // Add a chart title.
    chart.title().set_name("Chart with High-Low Lines");

    // Add the chart to the worksheet.
    worksheet.insert_chart_with_offset(65, 3, &chart, 25, 10)?;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Drop Lines example.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Create a new Line chart.
    let mut chart = Chart::new(ChartType::Line);

    // Configure the first series.

    // Configure the second series.

    // Add the chart Drop lines.

    // Add a chart title.
    chart.title().set_name("Chart with Drop Lines");

    // Add the chart to the worksheet.
    worksheet.insert_chart_with_offset(81, 3, &chart, 25, 10)?;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Save and close the file.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------"chart_data_tools.xlsx")?;
