Adding Headers and Footers

Headers and footers can be added to worksheets using the worksheet.set_header() and worksheet.set_footer() methods.

Headers and footers are generated using a string which is a combination of plain text and optional control characters.

The available control characters are:

&[Page] or &PInformationPage number
&[Pages] or &NTotal number of pages
&[Date] or &DDate
&[Time] or &TTime
&[File] or &FFile name
&[Tab] or &AWorksheet name
&[Path] or &ZWorkbook path
&fontsizeFontFont size
&"font,style"Font name and style
&USingle underline
&EDouble underline
&[Picture] or &GImagesPicture/image
&&MiscellaneousLiteral ampersand &

Some of the placeholder variables have a long version like &[Page] and a short version like &P. The longer version is displayed in the Excel interface but the shorter version is the way that it is stored in the file format. Either version is okay since rust_xlsxwriter will translate as required.

Headers and footers have 3 edit areas to the left, center and right. Text can be aligned to these areas by prefixing the text with the control characters &L, &C and &R.

For example:


Image of worksheet header


Image of worksheet header


Image of worksheet header

You can also have text in each of the alignment areas:


Image of worksheet header

The information control characters act as variables/templates that Excel will update/expand as the workbook or worksheet changes.

worksheet.set_header("&CPage &[Page] of &[Pages]");

Image of worksheet header

Times and dates are in the user's default format:

worksheet.set_header("&CUpdated at &[Time]");

Image of worksheet header

To insert an image in use &[Picture] or &G. You will also need to use set_header_image() to set the corresponding image:


let image = Image::new("examples/watermark.png")?;
worksheet.set_header_image(&image, XlsxImagePosition::Center);

Image of worksheet header

To include a single literal ampersand & in a header or footer you should use a double ampersand &&:

worksheet.set_header("&CCuriouser && Curiouser - Attorneys at Law");

Image of worksheet header

You can specify the font size of a section of the text by prefixing it with the control character &n where n is the font size:

worksheet.set_header("&C&20Big Hello");

Image of worksheet header

You can specify the font of a section of the text by prefixing it with the control sequence &"font,style" where fontname is a font name such as Windows font descriptions: "Regular", "Italic", "Bold" or "Bold Italic": "Courier New" or "Times New Roman" and style is one of the standard Windows font descriptions like “Regular”, “Italic”, “Bold” or “Bold Italic”:

worksheet.set_header(r#"&C&"Courier New,Bold Italic"Hello"#);

Image of worksheet header

It is possible to combine all of these features together to create complex headers and footers. If you set up a complex header in Excel you can transfer it to rust_xlsxwriter by inspecting the string in the Excel file. For example the following shows how unzip and grep the Excel XML sub-files on a Linux system. The example uses libxml's xmllint to format the XML for clarity:

$ unzip myfile.xlsm -d myfile
$ xmllint --format `find myfile -name "*.xml" | xargs` | \
    egrep "Header|Footer" | sed 's/&/\&/g'

 <headerFooter scaleWithDoc="0">

Note: Excel requires that the header or footer string be less than 256 characters, including the control characters. Strings longer than this will not be written, and a warning will be output.